On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Samuel L. Jackson Shocked by Harrison Ford’s Set Accident

Samuel L. Jackson Harrison Ford

Samuel L. Jackson was surprised to hear about Harrison Ford's injuries.

The 65-year-old actor was shocked by news that Harrison - who has reprised his role as Hans Solo in the sci-fi franchise - was crushed by a hydraulic door on set of the Star Wars: Episode VII last week, and insists the accident wouldn't have been his fault: "I'm sure it wasn't because he wanted to or it was something he was doing... I'm sure something went terribly awry if that happened because most times insurance companies don't like us doing those things!"

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Samuel L. Jackson: I Won’t Do Anymore Nude Scenes

Samuel L. JacksonSamuel L. Jackson won't be doing anymore nude scenes.

The Django Unchained star recently injured his shoulder whilst shooting in Germany for his new film Big Game, and he's joked that the injury has ruined his chances of stripping off in any future movies.

"When I landed on my shoulder the ligaments which hold the clavicle down snapped and my clavicle jumped up... So yeah all my topless, naked, nude scenes are done now!" he quipped.

The 64-year-old actor, who has been on a strict vegan diet for the last three months, injured his shoulder after he was thrown out of a helicopter from a staggering height, but he insists he won't let the wound put a stop to his acting career: "I was flipped from a height of about seven feet out of a freezer, which is supposedly a helicopter flying through some woods. They had a camera on one end of the freezer and I was on the other and the stuntman jumped off the freezer, the camera flipped the freezer and I went flying out of it and landed on my shoulder." He added, "I love my job, I'm fortunate enough to be sort of in demand and I get to choose some interesting things to do and hopefully that will continue."

Cinecast: Leto Gets Really Method, Schwartzman Cast in ‘Jurassic World’?

Lynne Ramsay+ In order to really get a feel for his role as a trans woman in The Dallas Buyers Club, Jared Leto reportedly remained in character for the duration of production. In addition to meeting with people in the trans community, he waxed most of his body hair and learned to apply his own makeup. Perhaps his intense method will pay off in the end, as his performance has attracted some Oscar buzz already.

+ Four theaters in Sweden have applied and displayed the result of the Bechdel Test to their current screening films. Those that pass the test (achieved if the film features two female characters who talk about something other than a man) are screened on Sundays. It may not seem like a lot, but it's more than what we're doing here in the States for better female representation in film.

+ Rumors are going around that Jason Schwartzman is set to appear in the upcoming Jurassic World, which is a relaunch of the Jurassic Park franchise. Schwartzman's rep has yet to confirm (nor deny!) the claim.

Click to continue reading Cinecast: Leto Gets Really Method, Schwartzman Cast in ‘Jurassic World’?

David Beckham Offered Movie Role

David BeckhamDavid Beckham has been approached to play a bad guy in a new movie.

The retired soccer star - who announced he was quitting the sport earlier this year - has been asked by Colin Firth to star in The Secret Service and director Matthew Vaughn is so confident he will agree to appear, he has already had a villainous part written for him.

"Becks was asked by Colin Firth if he'd like to be in the movie but he is yet to fully commit. He loves movies and fancies appearing on the big screen -- but just as a one-off, not a full-time career," a source said.

The film - which is based on a spy graphic novel by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons - stars Colin and Michael Caine as superagents fighting a team of villains headed by Samuel L. Jackson and will also feature cameo appearances from stars including Elton John.

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Samuel L. Jackson to Star in Robocop

Samuel L. JacksonSamuel L. Jackson is set to star in Robocop.

The 63-year-old actor is said to have signed up to appear in the remake of the 1987 action film, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Jackson will play "charismatic media mogul" Pat Novak, while Joel Kinnaman has already been cast as police officer Alex Murphy who is brought back to life as a cyborg. Gary Oldman will also star as the scientist who creates Murphy.

The movie - which is being directed by Jose Padilha - is due to begin shooting in Toronto, Canada, this September and scheduled to be released next summer.

The original film starred Peter Weller in the lead role and Nancy Allen as his partner, Lewis, and took more than $60m at the box office.

Samuel L. Jackson: Tarantino is Fun on Django Unchained Set

Samuel L. Jackson and Quentin TarantinoSamuel L. Jackson finds it "fun" and "artistically satisfying" working with Quentin Tarantino on Django Unchained.

The Avengers star is delighted to be teaming up with the director again for the star-studded drama movie - which features Sacha Baron Cohen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kurt Russell, Kerry Washington and Jamie Foxx - and he revealed the film set is "full of fun, joy and laughter."

"It's really great to be back on Tarantino's set. As usual it's full of fun, joy and laughter. It's as fun and artistically satisfying as it's ever been. He is still doing his weekly film screenings of interesting and bizarre movies, last week we saw The Raid which was an awesome movie."

Samuel currently stars as Nick Fury in The Avengers, and the 63-year-old actor was full of praise for the film's director Joss Whedon for fitting all of the superhero characters - including Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Captain America (Chris Evans) - together in one motion picture.

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Tom Hiddleston’s Avengers Hug

Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth in The AvengersTom Hiddleston felt like he was having a "group hug" on the set of The Avengers.

The British actor portrays his Thor' character Loki in the forthcoming Marvel comic book movie, and while the film's big cast - including Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson and Chris Hemsworth - was slightly intimidating at first, he admits the group got along famously quickly.

"For the first 10 minutes after you meet them, they have the wattage and charisma of movie stars. Then you have a coffee with them and you realize we're all the same, we're all just people. All of the actors in The Avengers are so nice. Marvel has these code names for projects and the code name for The Avengers was Group Hug. It felt very much like a group hug on set."

Tom - who is the villain of the film - admits his favorite part of the movie was getting to do his own stunts: "My favorite moment on set was filming at a NASA location the size of a cathedral. I flew around like a trapeze artist in a rocket-testing facility in the company of Samuel L. Jackson and Jeremy Renner. That was a pretty good day at work."

New Hulk in Upcoming Avengers Flick

Edward Norton is no longer the face of .

Norton, who played Bruce Banner in the 2008 film, will not reprise his role in the upcoming Avengers film. The cast currently Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and several more - but no Hulk has been cast yet.

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This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: June 15, 2010

Book of Eli DVDHere are some of the options available this Tuesday:

  • The Book of Eli: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Darkman: Blu-ray
  • Flash Gordon: Blu-ray
  • Happy Tears: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Mary and Max: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Mystery Train: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Showgirls (15th Anniversary Sinsational Edition): Blu-ray
  • The Stepfather: Blu-ray
  • Unthinkable: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Youth in Revolt: DVD, Blu-ray
  • When in Rome: DVD, Blu-ray

Make sure to also check out the DVD and Blu-ray film options for this week.

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VIDEO: New Iron Man 2 Trailer Revealed

Didn’t get a chance to watch Jimmy Kimmel’s after-Oscar special? Good thing we’ve got a clip of the new trailer that premiered!

Watch the video above to get a fresh glimpse of one of the year’s most-anticipated flicks.

